Why eBooks?

Books have always been interesting to people, as they provided people with essential information on many different subjects. Aside from this, a lot of books are also used to make people laugh, make them cry or make them think about the meaning of life, for instance. In the last decade or so, books have been almost replaced with an alternative to turning the pages with your hands - this alternative is an eBook.

There are many different benefits to using eBooks, but it appears that people have not yet accepted this idea completely. Most people still think of books made out of paper as the only real books and don't even consider giving eBooks a chance. Still, eBooks have become very popular throughout the world. The reasons why eBooks have become immensely popular are numerous, and here you will be given useful advice on why eBooks should always be taken into consideration.

Differences between Regular Books and eBooks

The truth is that there really are no differences between these two, except for the obvious one - you cannot hold an eBook in your hands. Aside from this, both of these types of books are simply books. eBooks have all the same features as regular books do - they have pages, words, footnotes and everything else found in regular books. eBooks are informative; they are used in the same way as regular books and for the same purposes, too. Also, even though not many people are aware of this, you can find any book you want in the form of an eBook. Whether you are looking for a technical book or a guide of any kind, or you just want to read a novel you read during your high school years - you can get an eBook and enjoy its many benefits.

Why eBooks Come Highly Recommended

Owing to the fact that people do not have enough time to sit and enjoy a good book as they are always in a hurry eBooks have become the perfect way for them to catch up on their reading. The fact is that the modern way of life has made us addicted to computer screens, and this is something that could have completely ruined the beautiful habit of reading a good book every now and then.

Therefore, eBooks have been conveniently put in front of our noses, right on our computer screens. Aside from this, eBooks are far better for the environment than regular books will ever be. Namely, every book is made out of paper, usually not the recycled kind, and every book will eventually have to be destroyed - all of which is bad for the environment. On the other hand, this is not the case with eBooks as they are digital. Also, eBooks are cheaper for both the seller and the buyer, as they can be produced for less money, which makes them more affordable than standard books.

One of the most important benefits of buying eBooks is their practicality. For instance, you can go from deciding you need an eBook to actually reading it in just a few minutes. There is no need to wait for the book to be delivered for days or even weeks, and there is certainly no additional cost for the shipment. All you need to do is do some online research, find an eBook you are interested in and download it in matter of seconds.

Taking into consideration all the benefits of eBooks and all the reasons why eBooks are a great choice, you should have no further doubts related to whether to go for eBooks or not - as there are literally no downsides to them.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cookie_Maxwell

How to Improve Your Computer Skills With Computer Books and Ebooks

Are you looking for a computer book to improve your computer programming skills or general IT knowledge?

A distinguishing mark of professionals is that they keep up-to-date with the newest ideas, techniques and developments in their field. If you are a computer professional you should read every computer book and computer eBook which can help you to improve your computer skills.

You can find good Computer Books and eBooks on the Internet. Some of them can be purchased online, whereas other ones are free and can be easily downloaded.

Purchasing Computer Books

There are many online Book stores, which sell Computer Books and Computer Ebooks and the most famous one is surely Amazon. They have search facilities which allow to find what you are looking for in a way that is surely easier and faster than searching in a main street bookstore.

You can select a category from a menu (e.g. Databases, Programming, Linux and Unix, AS/400) or use the search facilities to find Books or Software in your area of interest.

If you browse some computer book among the possible choices, you will normally find a good product description which often includes the table of contents and, in many cases, you will find also reviews submitted by people who have read the book. Often there is also an average customer review which can be useful to decide if the purchase is worthwhile.

If you decide to buy, you can easily add your choices to a shopping cart and pay online by using a Credit or Debit Card. The Books are usually delivered from the Online Bookstore pretty fast.

Free Programming E-Books

There are many good Computer Ebooks, often published in PDF format, with plenty of useful information.

Some of them are free downloadable Ebooks whereas other ones (especially computer tutorials) can read online.

Computer manufacturers, such as IBM, often allow to access an online library of their technical documentation and often provide good computer tutorials (visit for example the site Developer Works ).

An author which offers online many free downloadable ebooks is Bruce Eckel. His company provides public and private training and consulting services and he has decided to offer the FREE downloadable eBook version of many good Programming books, which are also sold in Book stores in the printed format.

Bruce Eckel has published over 150 articles and several computer books such as Thinking in Java (Prentice-Hall, 1998, 2nd Edition, 2000), the Hands-On Java Seminar CD ROM (available on his Mind View site and enclosed to the previous book), Thinking in C++>/b> (PH 1995; 2nd edition 2000), C++ Inside & Out (Osborne/McGraw-Hill 1993), among others.

He's given hundreds of presentations throughout the world, published over 150 articles in numerous magazines, was a founding member of the ANSI/ISO C++committee, speaks regularly at conferences and is the C++ and Java track chair for the Software Development conference. He provides public and private seminars and design consulting in C++, Java and Python.

His books can be purchased in Book stores, but previous versions can also be easily downloaded as Ebooks and are surely very useful to Computer professionals.


If you want to improve your computer knowledge, try the Internet as a valid alternative to traditional Bookshops and Libraries.